- Javascript Framework/Lib: Backbone (http://backbonejs.org/) and (http://jquery.com/)
- CSS Framework: Bootstrap (upgraded from v2 to v3) (http://getbootstrap.com/)
- CSS Preprocessor: LESS (2 years later changed to SASS) http://sass-lang.com/guide
- Template: (underscore built-in, then changed to http://handlebarsjs.com/)
- Module loader: AMD/Requirejs (http://www.requirejs.org/)
- Chart/Draw: d3 (https://d3js.org/)
- Build tool: grunt (http://gruntjs.com/)
- Package manager: NPM (https://www.npmjs.com/)
- IDE: Sublime Text 2 (http://www.sublimetext.com/2)
- Javascript: Vanilla JS/ES5 (http://es5.github.io/)
- Static code analysis tool: jshint (http://jshint.com/)
- Testing tool: qunit then behavior-driven javascript Jasmine (https://jasmine.github.io/)
Today I read a blog https://risingstars2016.js.org/ which listed popular front-end projects/libraries in 2016. I am totally terrified to see so many new things happening.
Popular lib/frameworks
Node.js Frameworks -> Express, Sails, Loopback, Restify
React Boilerplates -> Create React App, React boilerplate
Mobile -> React Native
Transpilers -> TypeScript, Babel
Build Tools -> Webpack, Gulp
Testing Framework -> AVA, Jest
SSG (Static Site Generators) -> Hexo, Gatsby
Most popular projects on Github
Angular 2
Create React App
React Native
Time to change:
ES5 -> ES6
Backbone -> Vue.js/React
Requirejs -> Webpack
Grunt -> Gulp/Webpack
Sublime -> Atom/Visual Studio Code
Mocha/Jasmine -> AVA/Jest
NPM -> Yarn