- More responsive design, please.
- Typography will take center stage.
- Buh-bye Flash. Hello just about anything else.
- Skeuomorphism will show its age.
- Large images used for large impact visuals.
- Give me (more) white space!
- More sharing on social networks.
- Calmer color schemes to reappear.
- Mobile apps will start to replace mobile browsing.
- King content will keep its crown.
- Non-boring typography
- Flat design
- Large hero areas quickly killing sliders
- Heavier focus on mobile
- Videos in place of text
- Long scrolling sites
- Simple color schemes
- Simplified content
- Dropping the sidebar
- Manipulated imagery
I did hear from a phoenix web design company that website images will take center stage this 2014. But rather than just images, creative and interactive websites will be more popular. Consumers have already taken a liking to infographics, I believe it already has its own cult. If a company wants their website to garner more traffic they should focus on great contents with visually pleasing layout and images, and not just all texts.