Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scrum Fundamentals for Teams

Today I joined one day training about "Scrum Fundamentals for Teams". Throughout the sessions and exercises, I got some general idea about Agile and Scrum from delivery team perspective. The learning course included the following areas

Principles of Agile
Agile - uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. There are 12 principes behind the Agile manifesto.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

Agile & Scrum Vocabulary
User stories - lightweight requirements structure focusing on stakeholders and value (who, what, why)
Acceptance Criteria - agreements of functional expectations between PO and delivery team (DT), represents external quality
Definition of Done - description of the work that is accomplished by the team for each story, represents internal quality
Points - a relative estimate of product backlog items
Velocity - the measure of work from product backlog accepted by PO each sprint
Impediments - blocking problem preventing team achieving higher performance
Sprint - a timebox a.k.a an iteration
Sprint Goal - business value based desc of each sprint goal

Scrum Framework
Scrum is a framework, extremely simple, part of Agile umbrella, based on self-organizing, cross functional teams iterative & incremental delivery.

Scrum Roles
Product owner (PO) - vision, roadmap, prioritize backlog, acceptance criteria
Delivery Team (DT), a.k.a. Development Team
ScrumMaster - servant leader, removes impediment
Functional manager - support scrum team following scrum framework and each role's responsibility
Scaling Scrum
Scrum of scrums
Scaling product ownership (chief PO, product line owners, PO)
Scaling teams (component teams, feature teams, hybrid mode)
Distributed teams (best practices)

Preparing Product Backlog
User stories
Acceptance Criteria
Grooming meetings
Estimate and sizing

Key takeaways
Don't go agile just because of agile is popular
High performance team is key to success (self-organizing or functional manager arrangement)
Iteration development and continuous integration enables workable software after each Sprint
Prioritize work and deliver potentially shippable product in each Sprint
Daily stand up (daily scrum) meeting is very important for transparency
Definition of Done is very important for achieving Sprint goal (satisfying customer requirements)
2 weeks Sprint is the recommended timebox
Sprint goes planning, iteration, review and retrospective
Make things simple (maximizing product backlog)
Scale scrum for large product

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