Young Generation
Eden space, two Survivor (From/To) spaces
Old Generation
Tenured space
Non-Heap (Perm + C-Heap)
Permanent Space
Class files and jar files
Code Generation
Socket Buffers
Thread stacks
Direct Memory Space
JNI Code
Garbage Collection
JNI allocated memory
Space Allocation
-Xmx -Xms -Xmn -Xss
Young size(-XX:NewRatio)
Survivor Ratio(-XX:SurvivorRatio)
-XX:PermSize=<value> (initial)
-XX:MaxPermSize=<value> (max)
Concurrent/Parallel Garbage Collection Settings
Parallel GC in the New(Young) Generation
Concurrent in the Old generation
Use these two combined
Multiple CPU box can take advantage of this
More GC Settings:
Update 4/25/2012
Java classes are stored in the permanent generation. What all does that entail? Besides the basic fields of a Java class there are
- Methods of a class (including the bytecodes)
- Names of the classes (in the form of an object that points to a string also in the permanent generation)
- Constant pool information (data read from the class file, see chapter 4 of the JVM specification for all the details, including static fields)
- Object arrays and type arrays associated with a class (e.g., an object array containing references to methods)
- Internal objects created by the JVM (java/lang/Object or java/lang/exception for instance)
- Information used for optimization by the compilers (JITs)