Wednesday, October 12, 2011

iCalendar 101

This week we found an issue when send iCalendar via Microsoft Exchange server, recipients could not receive the meeting invite. The root cause was we didn't set value for MAILTO and CN parameters in Attendee property in VEVENT component for the core iCalendar object. It may be Exchange server specific requirement, like outlook requires UID and DTSTAMP parameters in *.ics file, because we didn't capture this defect when using simple POP3 email server.

I took this chance to get some general idea about iCalendar from (See a bunch of reference resources at the bottom). iCalendar is a standard (RFC 5545) for calendar data exchange, it is a file format which allows Internet users to send meeting requests and tasks to other Internet users. Two popular file extensions are *.ics (calendaring and scheduling information) and *.ifb (free or busy time information). iCalendar is designed to be independent of the transport protocol.

iCalendar always begins with BEGIN:VCALENDAR and ends with END:VCALENDAR which defines a core object. Within the iCalendar object, we can define some calendar properties and calendar components (VEVENT, VTODO, VJOURNAL, VFREEBUSY, VTIMEZONE, VALARM). One calendar property can have multiple parameters, and one calendar component can have multiple properties or sub components. This is kind of a tree structure to describe Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object (see RFC5545 for details).

Example to explain ics object model:

BEGIN:VCALENDAR  -- starts iCalendar object
VERSION:2.0 -- calendar property
BEGIN:VTIMEZONE  -- starts VTIMEZONE component
TZID:India Standard Time -- component property
BEGIN:STANDARD -- starts sub component
DTSTART:16010101T000000  TZOFFSETFROM:+0530
END:STANDARD -- ends sub component
BEGIN:VEVENT -- starts another component (event)
DTSTART;TZID="India Standard Time":20111019T110000 -- componnet property, event starts time
DTEND;TZID="India Standard Time":20111019T120000 -- componnet property, event ends time
LOCATION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Webinar - See conference call information below -- component property, with parameters ENCODING
UID:100000000040827055 -- component property, required by outlook, unique ID for current event
DTSTAMP:20111012T172729Z - component property, required
DESCRIPTION: Click this link to join the Webinar
SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Moving your data to the Cloud - Part 1
BEGIN:VALARM -- starts alarm component within VEVENT
TRIGGER:-PT15M -- component property, alarm trigger time
END:VALARM -- ends alarm sub component
END:VEVENT -- ends VEvent component
END:VCALENDAR -- ends iCalendar object

If we format above ics file with indent, it looks like

BEGIN:VCALENDAR  -- starts iCalendar object
    VERSION:2.0 -- calendar property
    BEGIN:VTIMEZONE  -- starts VTIMEZONE component
        TZID:India Standard Time -- component property
        BEGIN:STANDARD -- starts sub component
            DTSTART:16010101T000000  TZOFFSETFROM:+0530
        END:STANDARD -- ends sub component
    END:VTIMEZONE -- ends VTIMEZONE component
    BEGIN:VEVENT -- starts another component (event)
        DTSTART;TZID="India Standard Time":20111019T110000 -- componnet property, event starts time
        DTEND;TZID="India Standard Time":20111019T120000 -- componnet property, event ends time
        LOCATION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Webinar - See conference call information below -- component property, with parameters ENCODING, note that property suffix with semicolon instead of colon for this case
        UID:100000000040827055 -- component property, required by outlook, unique ID for current event
        DTSTAMP:20111012T172729Z - component property, required
        DESCRIPTION: Click this link to join the Webinar
        SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Moving your data to the Cloud
        BEGIN:VALARM -- starts alarm component within VEVENT
            TRIGGER:-PT15M -- component property, alarm trigger time
        END:VALARM -- ends alarm sub component
   END:VEVENT -- ends VEvent component
END:VCALENDAR -- ends iCalendar object

About accept/tentative/decline an invite
In iCalendar, need set RSVP parameter in Attendee property, otherwise user will see "Save and Close".  Also Organizer property is to define the calendar component organizer. When do accept/decline/tentative, organizer will get the response.
   Parameter Name:  RSVP
   Purpose:  To specify whether there is an expectation of a favor of a
      reply from the calendar user specified by the property value.
   Property Name:  ORGANIZER
   Purpose:  This property defines the organizer for a calendar
   Value Type:  CAL-ADDRESS
   Property Parameters:  IANA, non-standard, language, common name,
      directory entry reference, and sent-by property parameters can be
      specified on this property.

Programming iCalendar

Prepare a multipart/alternative mail:
Part 1: text/html - this is displayed to ordinary mail readers (not support iCalendar) or as a fall-back and contains a summary of the event in human readable form

Part 2: text/calendar; method=xxx, holds the contents of the ics file (the header method parameter must match the method in the ics). Default encoding is UTF-8 in iCalendar
Part 3: Optional, attach the .ics file itself, so ordinary mail readers can offer the user something to click on. Outlook does not really require the attachment because it just reads the text/calendar part.

Code snippet using JavaMail

messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-Class", "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage");
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(
new ByteArrayDataSource(buffer.toString(), "text/calendar")));//very important, buffer is ics file data

Use iCal4j
This open source project provides APIs for read and write ics files.

The following applications (calendar or email reader) already support iCalendar
  • Google Calendar
  • Apple iCal
  • Lotus Notes
  • Outlook 2000/2007/2010
  • Windows Live Calendar
  • Yahoo Calendar
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • SeaMonkey

: (rfc2445 was obsoleted by rfc5545 in 2009)

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