- Pay your bills with gift cards - ChargeSmart and Plasticjungle.com
- Keep the lights on without going broke - BillFloat
- Protection from deadbeat roommates - Paydivvy (social billpay)
- Stop fraudsters in their tracks - Enter ID Analytics (identify fraud)
- Be the next Facebook - Enloop
- You've got money - Paypal (Money Messenger)
- Log in to Facebook ... with your eye - Eyelock from Hoyos Group, iris-scanning device
- Hire a personal bookkeeper - Balance Financial
- Making money lessons fun for kids - MoneyIsland from BancVue
- In debt? Weigh your options - DebtCoach from Bills.com and Experian
- Stop printing coupons - Clovr Media, Edo and Bankons
10 biggest money wasters
- Bundled cable or phone services
- ATM fees
- Lottery tickets
- Gourmet coffee
- Cigarettes
- Infomercial impulse buys
- Brand-name groceries
- Eating out
- Unused gym memberships
- Daily Internet deals
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